What are pheromones?
Pheromones are substances that allow the exchange of olfactory signals between individuals of the same species to influence their behavior. There is a wide variety of pheromones. For example, there are sex pheromones that attract males to females over long distances. This property can be used to trap pests. Pheromones are very species-specific. The duration of action of the pheromone depends on the composition, quantity, concentration and climate.
When to place pheromone traps?
The Rhagoletis cerasi pheromone capsule is used to catch cherry fruit flies using yellow plate traps or the Mc Phail pheromone trap. Begin placing traps between mid-May and early June. In a warm spring, start even earlier. Cherry fruit flies can hatch in daily temperatures of 18°C for several consecutive days. One pheromone capsule is active for 6 weeks (4 weeks at higher temperatures). Two capsules are therefore sufficient for the whole season, as cherry fruit flies do not fly for long.
Instructions for use.
- The cherry fruit fly pheromone capsule should never be cut in half for use with a McPhail trap.
- Always use gloves or do not touch the pheromone to avoid changing its odor.
- Never leave pheromones lying around at room temperature, they will quickly lose their effect. Therefore, keep them in the refrigerator or freezer until they are used.
- Pheromone capsules can be kept for 2 years in the freezer.