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CUCU-MITE | Cucumeris predatory mites for thrips

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dot 2 reviews
  • The best choice to get a thrips outbreak under control
  • Eliminates eggs and small larvae
  • Sprinkle directly onto leaves where thrips are present
  • Choose hoeveelheid (stuks)
    As low as: €19.00
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    • Predatory mites in a tube.
    • For indoor and outdoor use.
    • Temperature range: daytime 18°C nighttime 6°C.
    • Sprinkle directly onto the leaves where thrips are present.
    • 5.000, 25.000 or 125.000 pcs.

    Cucumeris predatory mites

    Neoseiulus (formerly Amblyseius) cucumeris is a beige predatory mite that measures approximately 0,5 - 1mm in its adult stage. Because of its tiny size and neutral coloring, it is difficult to spot as it roams in plants. Upon release, the predatory mites spread rapidly throughout the foliage in search of prey. An adult cucumeris mite lives about 3 weeks.

    Cucumeris for thrips eggs and larvae

    Cucumeris mites feed on eggs and young larvae (the first larval stage) of thrips. If many adult thrips are already present or the infestation has been going on for a long time, cucumeris mites are more effective in combination with Orius pirate bugs, which feeds primarily on adult thrips.

    How to release cucumeris mites

    Predatory mites are supplied in convenient tubes that are packed with a mixture of bran and feeder mites. The feeder mites serve as food for the predatory mites. Upon receiving the mites, gently turn the tube several times to distribute the mites evenly. Sprinkle them directly onto the leaves where thrips are present. If the leaves droop and it is not possible to release the mites directly onto the leaves, you can use Bioboxes or coffee filters instead. Releasing directly onto leaves is always the best way to use predatory mites, wherever this is possible.

    Will cucumeris reproduce in my plants?

    Low humidity (less than 65%) hinders the development of Neoseiulus cucumeris because the eggs do not hatch anymore. Always release enough predatory mites to be able to vastly reduce the thrips population with the treatment purchased, as you cannot count on the mites reproducing in your plants.

    For extended protection against thrips outbreaks, use anti-thrips sachets. These contain cucumeris mites in various life stages. The young nymphs gradually mature and run out of the bags over a 5 - 6 week period. These sachets are invaluable in plants that are sensitive to thrips, but they are typically not enought to get an active thrips outbreak under control.

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    Pro's & cons
    • v_sketch Best value: lots of mites for the price
    • v_sketch Actively combs plants looking for thrips
    • x_sketch Eats only eggs and small larvae
    • x_sketch No extended protection after treatment is over
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    Average of 2 reviews
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    Fast delivery, very good product! Totally recommend!
    Posted on
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    Biogroei is a very professional company with a trustworthy assortment.
    We have used several products from Biogroei, and while they required patience, the effects have been steadily improving and long-lasting. We had to use 'Stenema | Aaltjes tegen rouwvliegjes' several times because every newly introduced plant was infected, and we also faced a severe thrips overrun. We were on the verge of giving up on our Monsteras, Scheffleras, and avocado plants. However, after a combination of 'Kweekzakjes tegen trips | Trips preventief aanpakken,' 'Cucumeris | Roofmijten tegen trips,' and 'Chrysop - Tegen spint, trips, bladluis en wolluis,' we only had to throw away one out of ten severely infected plants. Looking at the other 40 plants in our apartment, it seems that these products stop the invasion in its tracks. I would wholeheartedly recommend these products.
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