To effectively control spider mites, you need to introduce the right predatory mites. Forni-mite (Neoseiulus califonicus, formerly Amblyseius californicus) is ideal at high temperatures or low humidity. In contrast with Phyto-mite, Forni-mite preys upon many different types of spider mites. Because it can also feed on pollen, it is also ideal to use outdoors.
How bad is my spider mite infestation?
- Light infestation: You notice a few yellow spots or only a few affected leaves.
- Moderate infestation: Many leaves with yellow spots
- Severe infestation: The presence of webs indicates a heavy or advanced infestation. Spider mites create webs when they are close to depleting their food source and are looking to move to a new area to feed.
Also keep in mind that the spider mite population can change very quickly at high temperatures. If hot days are expected, plan ahead! The infestation can worsen before you even receive your predatory mites from us.
How much Forni-mite do I need?
The size of the infestation, the height of the crop and the number of square meters will determine the amount of predatory mites you will need. The figures below are based on a crop of 60 cm in height. For a crop height of 180 cm, triple the amount of predatory mites!
- Light infestation: 30-50 predatory mites/m².
- Moderate infestation: 50-100 predatory mites/m².
- Severe infestation: Remove the most affected leaves first and then sprinkle up to 150 predatory mites/m².
Example: Your crop is 180 cm high with a moderate infestation, it will be 300 predatory mites per m².
Re-examine your crop after two to three weeks and, if necessary, re-treat.
Advantages of Forni-mite
- Can be used both indoors (greenhouse) and outdoors.
- Can reproduce and survive in variable temperature and humidity conditions. It is therefore less sensitive to high temperatures and low humidity.
- It feeds not only on mites, but can also survive on pollen. It is therefore easier for this predatory mite to survive and reproduce in plants with less infestation but where pollen is present.
- Can also be used outdoors during the summer months.
- Available in large quantities of 10,000 and 25,000 units
Disadvantages of Forni-mite
- In heavy infestations, if they are also feeding on pollen, Forni-mite predatory mites will eat fewer spider mites in a given time period compared to Phyto-mite. Therefore, in cases of moderate to severe attack and at humidity above 60%, it is preferable to use Phyto-mite rather than Forni-mite.
- For heavy infestations, release at least 2000 mites.
Directions for use
Predatory mites have a short action radius when searching for spider mites; therefore, they should be released as closely as possible to where the spider mites are located. On houseplants, sprinkle directly onto leaves where you see spider mite activity. In greenhouses or outdoors, release them around the outbreak as well, in plants up to about four meters from the hotspots of infestation.
Heavily infested leaves should always be cut out of plants and disposed of accordingly before treatment. By doing this, you will physically remove many spider mites and make treatment easier. Do not throw infested leaves onto your compost heap, as this will only serve to further spread the spider mites.
If there is a heavy infestation, the treatment may have to be repeated several times. So be sure to always treat at the beginning of an attack!
Forni-mite should be sprinkled onto leaves directly. If direct release is not possible (due to hanging leaves, for example), you can use Bioboxes. Hang the Bioboxes in the foliage first, and then sprinkle small amounts of Forni-mite into each Biobox.
Preventing spider mites
Do you grow garden plants that are prone to spider mites? Think cucumbers, aubergines or melons. If so, work preventively by releasing Forni-mite every two to three weeks. That way, you always have predatory mites active in the crop and the spider mites won't get a chance to develop into an outbreak. As a preventive system, you can also choose the Soni-mite slow release sachets of predatory mites. Soni-mite sachets are an ideal way to prevent spider mites in all of your plants, indoors and out.