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Large yellow sticky traps| 25cm x 40cm | 20 pieces

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Recommended in the fight against the European cherry fly in combination with the cherry fly pheromone disc.
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For more than 20 years, sticky traps have been used to attract cherry fly, white fly, leafminer, fungus gnat, aphid and many other flying insects. These insects are attracted by the color yellow.

Observation & trapping

At the beginning of cultivation, sticky traps are hung in the crop. Because all kinds of flying insects are attracted to the traps and stick to them, they can be used as an observation system but also as a catching system.

Sticky plates can already catch a large proportion of harmful adult insects, in anticipation of releasing beneficial insects. Of course, sticky traps have no effect on the eggs and larvae of the harmful insect. Beneficial insects must be used for that.

How many sticky traps to hang?

In cherry trees, the yellow sticky traps of 25 cm x 40 cm are the best choice. Hang 3 sticky traps per tree. On 1 plate, attach the pheromone disc to attrac the male cherry fly.

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