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PALMA-CARE | Nematodes for Palm borer moth and Red palm weevil

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  • For preventive and curative use
  • Use from March - October
  • Use when air temperature is min. 15°C
  • Choose oppervlakte (m²)
    As low as: €19.00
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    Carpo-care or Palma-protect is used to tackle two issues in palm trees. Firstly, the larvae of the palm borer moth and secondly, the larvae of the red palm weevil.

    The product contains the insect-parasitic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae (Carpo-care). When the nematodes are poured into palm crowns, they actively search for the larvae of their prey. The nematodes enter the larvae through natural body openings. Once inside the larvae, bacteria that live in symbiosis with the nematodes are released. These bacteria kill the host. These bacteria then convert host tissue into components digestible by the nematodes.

    The nematodes reproduce inside the carcass, and when it decays, a new generation of beneficial nematodes emerges, searching for new victims. An infected red palm weevil larva changes color from beige-white to ochre-yellow.

    Application for the palm borer moth

    The palm borer moth originally comes from South America. Recently, the palm borer moth made its alarming entrance in Europe, including Southern France, Northern Spain, and Italy, causing fatal damage to palm species. This palm borer moth can spread quickly to other Mediterranean areas.

    The parasitic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae has a lethal effect on the larvae of the palm borer moth. For effective application, spray the nematodes directly into the palm crown and over the palm trunk.

    You can treat palms with nematodes both preventively and curatively for the palm borer moth. The dilution of the nematodes in water is different depending on the type of treatment:

    Preventive treatment: Use 2 - 2,5 million nematodes per liter of water. Preventive treatments can be applied from March through September. They should be repeated every three weeks in order to prevent the palm borer moth from establishing in the plants.

    Curative treatment: Use 6 million nematodes per liter of water. Curative treatments can be applied in the month of March, again in June, and then in September - October. When treating curatively, it is best to repeat the treatment two weeks later.

    For both preventive and curative treatments, larger palms will require more of the nematodes solution. For large plants such as Phoenix spp. of palms, use 10 - 20 liters of nematode solution per plant. For smaller palms such as Trachycarpus spp., Chamaerops spp., use 2 - 5 liters of nematode solution per plant.

    Application for the red palm weevil

    The red palm weevil has spread across a large part of the Middle East, Egypt, and nearly all Mediterranean countries. It causes significant damage to certain palm species, such as the phoenix species.

    The parasitic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae is lethal against the larvae of the red palm weevil. For effective application, these beneficial nematodes are sprayed directly into the palm crown.

    The best time to use nematodes to kill the red palm weevil is March until November.


    Palma-protect is available in quantities of 5 million, 50 million, or 250 million nematodes.

    Pro's & cons
    • v_sketch Easy to mix and apply
    • v_sketch No chance of chemical resistance
    • v_sketch Not harmful to the environment
    • x_sketch Must be applied on a cloudy day or in the evening
    • x_sketch Usually requires multiple treatments
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