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Peach trees (Prunus persica) and their relatives—nectarine, apricot, and mirabelle trees—often suffer from similar pests like the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Use Chrysopa larvae (green lacewings) or ladybug larvae to combat aphids in peach trees.
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  • lavameel + poederverstuiver
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  • ROOTSUM POEDERVERSTUIVER | Eenvoudige verstuiver
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  • LAVAMEEL | Lava-Terra
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    As low as €11.00
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  • Microferm 20L / 5L / 2L
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    As low as €14.50
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  • Worm castings | Vermicompost
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  • Floating row cover | cut to order per meter
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  • BOOMLIJMBAND | Gele lijmband - 5m x 30cm
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  • Chrysopa | Green lacewing larvae
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    As low as €22.00
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  • Adalia larvae of ladybirds
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    As low as €17.95
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