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Our products
  • Adalia larvae of ladybirds
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    As low as €17.95
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  • Chrysopa | Green lacewing larvae
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    As low as €22.00
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  • Phyto-mite - predatory mites for spider mites
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    As low as €19.00
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  • Aaltjes tegen slakken
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  • Forni-mite Roofmijten tegen spint
Forni-mite gegen spinnmilben
Forni-mite against spider mites
Forni-mite contre les tétranyques
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    As low as €19.00
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  • Roofmijten in kweekzakjes tegen spint
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    As low as €24.95
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  • Kraunema - aaltjes tegen taxuskever, Némoteds contre les larves d'otiorhynque, nematodes against larvae of vine weevil, nématodes gegen larven des dickmaulrüsslers
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    As low as €26.00
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  • Floating row cover | cut to order per meter
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  • AALTJESVAL | tegen pissebedden
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  • Worm castings | Vermicompost
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    As low as €9.95
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  • LAVAMEEL | Lava-Terra
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    As low as €11.00
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    As low as €25.00
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  • Microferm 20L / 5L / 2L
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    As low as €14.50
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    The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
  • ROOTSUM SLAKKENNET| per lopende meter
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