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The thrips control kit

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This thrips control package consists of Chrysop/Chrysopa and Cucu-care, breeding sachets against thrips. This is the ideal package to tackle your thrips infestation.
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Got pesky thrips attacking your beautiful houseplants? Not to worry, the thrips control kit is the lifesaver! You simply deploy the beneficial critters in your plants, and they will take on those pesky thrips larvae, making your plants thrips-free again.

The Chrysopa larvae take care of both small and large thrips larvae. In the anti-thrips breeding bags there is a culture of predatory mites that attack the thrips eggs and small larvae. The predatory mites come out of the sachets for 4 weeks and protect the plants during this period. It is important that if you see adult thrips, you remove them manually from the plants to tackle all stages of thrips. You can do this by pinching them to death or touching them with a piece of tape.

After about 4 weeks, it is useful to repeat the treatment with the anti-thrips Cucu-Care sachets to break the whole cycle. After 8 weeks of treatment, you will be thrips-free.

And don't worry, there are different sizes of thrips control kits, so just choose the one that fits the number of houseplants you have in your home.

1-3 houseplants

If you have a maximum of 3 houseplants, then choose this option. You will receive 5 Chrysop cards and 5 anti-thrips breeding sachets. Hang both the Chrysop cards and the sachets in the plants. Very simple and fast.

The eggs on the Chrysop cards will hatch into Chrysopa larvae. These will spread in the plants to attack the thrips larvae. They will spend 2 weeks cleaning up the infestation while the predatory mites spend 4 weeks working to protect your plants.

4-10 houseplants

If you have a maximum of 10 houseplants, then choose this option. You will receive 10 Chrysop cards and 10 anti-thrips breeding sachets. You hang both the Chrysop cards and the sachets scattered in the plants. Very simple and fast.

The eggs on the Chrysop cards will hatch into Chrysopa larvae. These will spread in the plants to attack the thrips larvae. They will spend 2 weeks cleaning up the infestation while the predatory mites spend 4 weeks working to protect your plants.

11-25 houseplants

If you have about 25 houseplants, then choose this option. You receive 500 Chrysopa larvae and 25 breeding sachets against thrips. You scatter the Chrysopa larvae onto the leaves or divide them over the bioboxes. Hang the anti-thrips breeding sachets directly in the plants.

The Chrysopa larvae will crawl and spread onto the plants. They will spend 2 weeks cleaning up the infestation while the predatory mites from the culture will spend 4 weeks working to protect your plants.

26-80 houseplants

If you have about 80 houseplants, then opt for this option. You receive 1,000 Chrysopa larvae + 10 bioboxes and 50 anti-thrips breeding bags. You scatter the Chrysopa larvae onto the leaves or divide them over the bioboxes. Hang the anti-thrips breeding sachets directly in the plants.

The Chrysopa larvae will crawl and spread onto the plants. They will spend 2 weeks cleaning up the infestation while the predatory mites from the culture will spend 4 weeks working to protect your plants

+80 houseplants or black infestation

If you have more than 80 houseplants or a heavy infestation of thrips, then choose this. You receive 2x Chrysopa 1,000 + 20 bioboxes and 100 Cucu-care, breeding bags against thrips. You scatter the Chrysopa larvae onto the leaves or divide them over the bioboxes. Hang the anti-thrips breeding sachets directly in the plants.

The Chrysopa larvae will crawl and spread onto the plants. They will spend 2 weeks cleaning up the infestation while the predatory mites from the culture will spend 4 weeks working to protect your plants.

Still have questions?

Rootsum has been active in the field of biological control for over 30 years. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to give you personalized advice if you need it.

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