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Kraunema | Black Vine Weevil nematodes

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  • Natural enemy of the black vine weevil
  • Use in March or April, then again from mid-July to early November
  • Use at a soil temperature of at least 6°C
  • Choose oppervlakte (m²)
    As low as: €26.00
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    The Kraunema product contains the active nematodes Steinernema kraussei that kill black vine weevil larvae (Otiorhynchus sulcatus).

    We use the nematodes as a soil treatment around plants, wherever black vine weevil larvae are present. The nematodes will kill the weevil larvae efficiently and quickly in a natural and biological way. Safe for plants, nature and (domestic) animals.

    Advantages of Kraunema

    • Natural enemies of the black vine weevil larvae
    • Kills only the larvae
    • Can be used in early spring and late fall Up to a soil temperature of 6°C
    • Safe for plants

    Times of application

    Black vine weevil larvae can be present both indoors and outdoors.

    Controlling black vine weevil larvae outdoors

    There are two application periods: March - late April and mid-July - early November. During both periods, nematodes should be applied to all areas where larvae are present for two consecutive years. This is necessary to break the cycle of the black vine weevil.

    From late April to mid-July, there are no larvae in the soil. In May, the larvae pupate and the adult beetles appear. During this period, it is not necessary to treat with nematodes, but you can use a weevil trap. With it, you can infect and kill the adult weevils.

    Fighting the black vine weevil indoors

    Because the temperature inside the greenhouse or conservatory is constantly higher than outdoor temperatures, the cycles can overlap. You may have both larvae and adult weevils. If you find chewed leaves you can use a weevil trap. If there are larvae at the roots, it is better to apply Kraunema.


    Apart from Kraunema, you can also control black vine weevil larvae with B-green. B-Green contains Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes. However, Kraunema can be used earlier in the spring and later in the fall and B-green is only used in summer. This is because Kraunema nematodes are less sensitive to low soil temperatures.

    Attention: Almost all of our competitors sell Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes for the control of Otiorhynchus larvae. These are cheaper nematodes, but they do not work well at low temperatures. We recommend Kraunema for lower temperatures, and B-Green nematodes in summer!


    • Keep the soil moist for at least two weeks after using the nematodes.
    • Check regularly for larvae.
    • Set a trap to infect the adult weevils. This way you will break the complete life cycle
    Pro's & cons
    • v_sketch Can be applied in colder temperatures than other nematode species, so you can treat for a longer period of time
    • v_sketch Very effective killer of black vine weevil larvae
    • x_sketch More expensive than other nematodes that kill black vine weevil larvae, so use B-Green instead during summer temperatures
    • x_sketch Only kills the larvae, so use a nematode trap to infect and kill adult weevils
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