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Yellow sticky plates | 10cm x 25cm

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Use yellow sticky plates to capture flying insects such as whiteflies, aphids, thrips, fungus gnats, etc.

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The yellow color attracts whiteflies, leaf miners, fungus gnats, aphids, cherry fruit flies, thrips and many other flying insects.

At the start of the crop, sticky traps should be hung in the crops. Since all kinds of flying insects are attracted to the sticky traps and remain stuck to them, they can be used as an alert system, but also as a capture system.

Sticky traps can already capture a large proportion of adult pests while waiting for the introduction of beneficial predatory insects. Of course, the traps have no effect on the eggs and larvae of the pest. Beneficial insects should be used for this purpose.

Where to hang the yellow sticky plates?

In crops that grow very tall, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, sticky traps should be hung just above the top of the plants. Most insect pests live primarily at the top of the plants. As the crop grows, the sticky traps can be moved to follow the growth. If you find this difficult, you may want to immediately hang the sticky traps 60 cm above the top of the plants.

For crops that grow more widely, the yellow sticky plates should be hung 20 to 30 cm above the crop.

Use yellow sticky patches in conjunction with beneficial insects

As soon as you introduce beneficial insects that can fly, such as Orius, Encarsia or adult ladybugs, it is best to remove the sticky traps or always hang them well above the crop. This is to prevent beneficial insects from being trapped

Bumblebees, bees or hoverflies sense that sticky boards are dangerous and avoid them. So you shouldn't worry about harming these useful pollinators.

Packaging yellow sticky boards model 10cm x 25cm

  • The package consists of 10 yellow sticky boards.
  • Size: 10 x 25 cm.
  • The adhesive plates stick on both sides, except the first and the last one.
  • There is a hole in the yellow sticky plates to hang them easily.

Packaging yellow sticky plates model 25 x 40cm

  • The packaging consists of 10 yellow sticky plates.
  • Size: 25 x 40cm.
  • The adhesive plates stick on both sides, except the first and the last one.
  • There is a hole in the yellow sticky plates to hang them easily.
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